Welcome to the Broward Symphonic Band
2024 - Schedule of Rehearsals & Concerts
Neil E. Jenkins - Director * Cindy Berry - Assistant Director
Rehearsals: Every Monday night, 7pm-9:30pm
Next Rehearsal January 27th on stage in Bailey Hall, Building 4 *
Sunday, February 16 at 2pm
Sunday, April 27 at 2pm
Remember to contact Rena if missing a rehearsal or for any other rehearsal issues. renasydel@gmail.com
* For all newbies and returning members: Enter from the south side parking lot where the walkway leads to the lobby of Bailey Hall - enter through the glass doors to the left of Bailey Hall Lobby - continue on through two sets of solid doors - after the second set of solid doors, look for double doors to your left which leads to a stairwell. Go up three levels to the first door on the left - you have arrived!
About Us
The Broward Symphonic Band is a COMMUNITY group that meets at Broward College Central Campus in Davie, Florida. Membership is made up of approximately 125 members with ages ranging from teens to eighties.
The Band provides opportunities for our musicians to perform challenging band literature at the highest level for the enrichment of the membership and community.
Rehearsals are held once a week on Monday evenings from 7:00pm to 9:30pm (2 1/2 hours). We perform four concerts between October and May in the beautiful Bailey Concert Hall.
Membership is open to all college students and adults, with instrumental experience, wishing to participate in a wind band ensemble. Auditions may be required for placement within certain sections to achieve a well balanced performing ensemble.
High School students are welcome to join the group, but must commit to all rehearsals and concerts in order to earn Community Service Hours. An audition (sightreading & scales) will be required of all new members joining the group. Those high school students currently a member of the Broward Symphonic Band will not be required to audition, except in cases to better place those individuals within certain sections of the ensemble
Neil Jenkins is our dedicated and renowned Musical Director. Read more about Mr. Jenkins here.
The Band is affiliated with Broward College and may be taken as a course for 1 credit hour.
If you are interested in joining the band for college credit, please contact the Music Office on the Broward College Davie Campus, Building 4, Room 130, Tel: 954-201-6840. Course code: MUN 1180.