Old News

October 2020 - Choir Performances

Thanks to all who participated in the Choirs. Here are links to the performances:

Broward Symphonic Band Update - Summer 2020

Dear Band Members:

Thank you to all those that participated in our Zoom Symphonic Band meeting a few weeks ago.  It was great seeing everyone, at least on screen.

With the publication of the Preliminary Results from the Colorado Covid-19 study entitled "Performing Arts Aerosol Study", sponsored by the National Federation of State High School Associations and the College Band Directors National Association, plus many other contributing organizations, we now have some guidance for Wind and Percussion performers.  Even though this was Round one preliminary results for Clarinet, Flute, French Horn, Soprano Singer, Trumpet, we have been presented with valuable talking points and guidance.  There are several other studies going on, but this is the one supported by our own state music associations, so this will be the one we follow for now.

As I explained during our meeting, questions have now been asked and answered concerning "Air Exchange" rates and types of filters for the Gym (offered as a rehearsal site), and the two large rehearsal rooms in Building 4, plus the two large classrooms.  The Gym has been deemed acceptable, with two new Air Handlers, all meeting the required Air Exchange requirements (several times per hour) for the Volume of Air needed to be filtered in that large space.  We are waiting on the answers for Building 4, and specifically our Room 104, plus 109 and two large classrooms.

With this in mind, the current plan is to create several smaller Chamber Wind Ensembles.  These would include:  Flute Choir, Clarinet Choir, Woodwind Choir (includes dbl reeds, flutes, clars, saxs), Brass Choir (multiple combinations available), and Percussion Choir.  We may have to utilize more than one rehearsal room in order to accommodate each ensemble.  We could have multiple ensembles of the same type, but that will all depend on how many end up participating.  In the LONG RUN, we will make this enjoyable and as safe as possible for everyone.

I have attached (below) the Preliminary Guidelines for how we will move forward.  Read this over and let me know if you have any other suggestions.  This is based on the Colorado Study and may change when the 2nd more detailed report comes out in August.  As an FYI, the Orchestra is also using many of these same guidelines.

Once you have had a chance to digest this information, I will be sending out a survey for Ensemble participation.  Please note:  at this point, holding a full band rehearsal is OUT OF THE QUESTION for now.

Many thanks for your interest.  Stay safe and healthy.  Wash those hands and wear your mask.

Neil E. Jenkins

Executive Director

Florida Bandmasters Association

August 2017

Pictures, courtesy of Andy Rawls, from the rehearsal and concert at the National Convention for the Association of Concert Bands on May 6, 2017.

September 2016

Broward College blog post about the Band selected to perform at the National Convention for the Association of Concert Bands on May 6, 2017


July 2016

Notice from the ACB Selection Committee: 

Congratulations!  The Broward Symphonic Band has been selected to perform at the 2017 ACB Convention in Fort Lauderdale, FL, May 3-7,2017.  Your band has been scheduled for Saturday afternoon, May 6, 2017.

A note from Neil Jenkins

Congratulations Broward Symphonic Band Members!  As you can see from the post on our web site, my FB page, and a recent email sent by Chris, we have been selected to perform at the National Convention for the Association of Concert Bands on May 6, 2017!  It will be right here in Ft. Lauderdale at the Hyatt Regency Pier 66 Hotel.  We will be one of three bands performing on Saturday just prior to the Convention Band performance that night, and one of nine selected overall.  This is truly an honor for us to be selected to perform on this National stage.  Our submission CD was truly outstanding as I selected music from all four of our concert programs.  Very proud of the effort you all put in during those concerts, which made my selection of tunes to submit very easy.  

I'm currently working through ideas for our ACB program (which is due by Oct. 1) and possible guest conductors.  We have all year to prepare for our big moment on May 6, where I'm sure we will make a lasting impression on the conventioneers.  I plan to program our ACB selections over the first three concerts we have this year, so we will get plenty of preparation on each tune.  So - clear the date.  It's going to be tense, but fun to perform for those that know what it’s all about.  See you on August 22 as we start climbing the ladder to May 6.

Neil Jenkins